We invite you to join us in-person each Sunday at 9:30am for a meaningful and memorable worship experience! We have Sunday School for both children and youth during worship following the Message for Young Disciples each week.
If you can't join us in-person, we invite you to join us on Zoom at 9:30am or on our YouTube channel the day after worship to access a recording of service. We hope to see you soon!
Montville UMC is a loving, inclusive, integrity-filled, and supportive church that offers hope and purpose to all people.
The Stigma Free Church
The fall of 2018 was when our church first entered into the stigma free movement in an intentional way. From October 7 to November 4, 2018, we delved into some very difficult, but relevant topics like addiction, self-harm and suicide, mental health, and human trafficking; topics that were affecting people within our communities and across our nation to a tremendous degree. We followed that up over the years with several meaningful events to help move this message forward, whether it was a Stigma Free Essay Contest, a Rising Out of the Ashes Event, or inviting people to speak as guests at our Hungry to Whole dinner church gatherings. This stigma free movement continues to charge forward in small and big ways throughout our state, and we believe the church can be a key space where this message continues to move forward in powerful and needed ways.
We have been grateful for our congregation's and community's ongoing willingness to engage in such meaningful dialogue and pray this can continue for decades to come, for there is still much work that can be done on this front.
Are you an organization or church that is interested in doing
a similar thing to help spread this important message?
Feel free to reach out to Pastor Donald to find out more!​
Be sure to use the #thestigmafreechurch whenever sharing or talking about what’s going on at Montville UMC or your church related to anything stigma free.
We invite you to check out all the things we were highlighting previously at The Stigma Free Church @StigmaFreeUMC. And although our X account is no longer active, know that our commitment and desire to continue speaking this stigma free message remains strong.​​​
Additionally, as a resource, a 5-week RETHINK Addiction Curriculum was created that could be used and adapted for any small group setting. If interested in using this for your own organization or faith community, click HERE.
For more helpful information on the Stigma Free Movement and what our specific county (Morris County) is doing to help spread this message, visit https://morriscountystigmafree.org/
There are events posted monthly and much more!
Also, consider taking the pledge to be stigma-free by going to https://www.morriscountynj.gov/Departments/Morris-County-Stigma-Free-Communities-Initiative/Take-the-Pledge